What is YOUR question of the day?
Maybe it is about your health or someone’s close to you? Maybe it is about your job or the lack of it?
Or maybe it is on how you can lose the weight you have gained in the past few months?
And maybe it is simply about your WHY.
Why are you here? Why now? Why are you doing what you do?
Today I woke up at 5:00am. Got out of bed. Put on my sweatpants and t-shirt. Stepped into my office.
Love that time of the day where everything is quiet outside.
What motivates you to get up in the morning? Your kids waking you up? A job where you need to show up or…? Perhaps you are a caregiver and someone needs your help and support? Too much on your mind and just can’t sleep? Or maybe you feel inspired and can’t wait to put it in action?
It is now 7:00am and the morning traffic has already started. You see we live in a corner house where there is a lot of traffic in the morning. People going to work and all. And I can’t help myself in asking, how many of these people in all those cars driving by are happy about the JOB they do or have? Every day the same routine: driving by at 7:05am to get to their office at 8:45am. Work all day. Drive by our house again at 6:25pm. I hope they love what they do! I really do.
In the meantime, I had my whole working day right here from my home office doing what I love: Creating and having a positive impact in people’s life.
I feel blessed and am totally grateful for being able to do what I love to do. Some of my closest friends and colleagues call me the Igniter. The energy and passion igniter. And some of the others call me the Spiritual Visionary. And of course, I will never know what the rest of the people are calling me unless they tell me. And this is not the point.
The point is that I know WHY I get up in the morning.
I know I am here to make a difference and it is not by staying in bed that it will happen.
I know that I am here to share and also to learn from all and everything.
I know I am here to love and be loved.
I know I am here to be me in my Vulnerable Authenticity and Authentic Vulnerability.
And please understand that vulnerability is the openness to give and receive.
It is your sensitivity to truly feel and connect.
It is your biggest gift for you to embrace
It is so important to realize this that I have decided to create a WEB.TV series on it.
You are all invited to participate and bring comments, share your own experience.
Based on my book Soar with Vulnerability – 11 Insights to the full Enjoyment of Your Life.
Each week we will address one of the eleven insights. And the first one is of course: Vulnerability.
It is the foundation of all healing.
Therefore I am inviting you to send me you’re feelings, thoughts, experiences about vulnerability.
What does it really mean for you? How do you see it as a gift in your life?
And we will discuss on the show.
Please email me at: suzanne@suzanneletourneau.com
I am not the only one talking about vulnerability: Brene Brown, Melissa Ambrosini, Connie Chapman, and I am sure many more.
The SOAR Movement will have a ripple effect on how we live our lives, engage with ourselves and each other.
So why not join now and dare make a difference.
Get Curious. Get Real. Be Outrageous.
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