There is a space that exists within you, that wants to be discovered.
I lived most of my life trusting and hiding behind my best friend: My Invulnerability. I have been an entrepreneur, an innovator and, creator. I had multiple parallel careers: model, TV host, DJ, personal trainer, flight attendant, business, etc.
One day, I lost it all. My business, my vision, my purpose, my self-esteem, my self-confidence, my reason for being. I kept on hiding, pretending that I was okay, that everything would be fine. Until the day, I could not hide it anymore. My, Invulnerability, had abandoned me. I found a new friend who convinced me that I was worth it, that I deserved to be loved, that it was okay to be sensitive and fragile at times, and that being authentic to myself and to others, I was actually opening doors to real relationships and true friendships. I want to thank you, my friend, my Vulnerability.
I have discovered my true source of pure energy and uncovered the source of my Ego fear. Quite a journey it’s been and still is. Blessed and grateful I AM. Thank you.
When I wrote my book “SOAR with Vulnerability” my whole life changed. I was able to finally LET GO and GROW; to live my life in vulnerable authenticity and authentic vulnerability. And trust me, neither one is a weakness. Today my goal is to keep on inspiring and guiding you, the one who is ready to move on to the discovery of who you are. Do I have all the answers for you? No. YOU do. YOU have all the answers inside of you. You just need a little help and some guidance to find your way.
Just click the DOWNLOAD button above, fill out the short form and send it back to me in the email below. Go here to schedule your FREE Session.
Make sure you reserve your FREE session with me. Only 11 spots left. RESERVE HERE
La Découverte de Soi par l’Écriture pour 2021
Que faire de l’année 2020?
2020 ne fût pas facile pour la majorité d’entre nous. Je regarde autour de moi et je ressens la douleur, la frustration, la dépression, la colère, la tristesse et beaucoup de confusion. Au lieu d’avancer dans 2021 avec cette attitude de victime, demandez-vous ce que 2020 vous a apporté.
Peut-être avez-vous:
- Perdue un être aimé à la Covid 19? Un parent isolé dans un CHSLD ou autre?
- Perdue un emploi et avez de la difficulté à vous remettre sur pied?
- Vous habitez seule et le confinement vous étouffe? OU
- Vous avez renoué avec des amis(es) de longue date, avec qui vous aviez perdu contact?
- Vous avez commençé et terminé un projet longuement désiré?
- Vous avez quitté votre emploi que vous détestiez et faites maintenant un travail que vous adorez?
Et si, je vous offrais l’opportunité de transformer ces sentiments d’impuissance en source de guérison et d’inspiration, la prendreriez-vous?
Si vous aviez l’opportunité de vous recréer en établissant de nouvelles croyances basées sur vos vraies valeurs, la prendreriez-vous?
Vous êtes peut-être à la merci des décisions du gouvernement ou autre, mais vous êtes la seule en charge de vos pensées et de vos décisions.
C’est l’attachement à nos pensées, qui cause la souffrance. Il est temps d’investir en vous, de vous offrir cette année magique, de trouver votre vérité et de vous retrouver pour 2021.
C’est pourquoi je vous offre cet rencontre VIRTUELLE PRIVÉE, et totalement GRATUITE. Vous n’avez qu’à choisir ici, l’heure et la date qui vous convient le mieux.
Lors de cette rencontre gratuite, vous découvrirez rapidement d’où proviennent ces forces positives et négatives, ces expériences que vous refouler constamment et inconsciemment, et ces pensées devenues croyances qui vous empêchent de vous lancer à la poursuite de la plus belle des aventures qui soit : la découverte de soi!
Cette rencontre gratuite vous permettra de laissez aller de vos doutes, de vos craintes, de votre incertitude afin de prendre une décision informée et inspirée, pour vous engager dans cette incroyable aventure de reconnection.
Je réserve ma place maintenant
Quatre Mois d’écriture pour Découvrir l’Authentique de SOI
Qui devrait suivre ce cours?
- Celles qui savent qu’elles ont des histoires à raconter mais ne savent par où commencer.
- Tous ceux qui ont toujours voulu écrire l’histoire de leur vie mais qui n’ont jamais trouvé le temps.
- Quiconque recherche un exutoire créatif ou émotionnel.
- Chercheurs qui veulent mieux se connaître.
- Toute personne recherchant un plus grand bien-être par l’expression de soi.
- Etc
Etes-vous prête à lâcher prise?
Lâcher prise, c’est renoncer à contrôler ce qui ne peut pas l’être. Il s’agit de mettre de côté notre volonté, nos attentes, nos désirs, nos projections et nos ruminations afin d’accepter pleinement les évènements auxquels nous sommes confrontés. Pour moi, c’est surtout et avant tout, qu’il faut cesser de se renier.
Pour cesser de se renier, il faut savoir qui l’on est. Qui l’on est à l’intérieur de soi en toute authenticité.
Il est temps de vous retrouver
Vous avez manqué l’atelier LIVE du 17 décembre 2020?
Je comprends très bien. C’est pourquoi je vous offre une rencontre virtuelle avec moi, totalement PRIVÉE et totalement GRATUITE.
Très souvent en groupe, nous nous empêchons de partager, par peur des qu’en dira-t-on, peur du jugement, de la non-acceptation.
Cette rencontre est mon cadeau de fin d’année!
Mais il ne me reste que quelques places . Alors, prenez deux secondes et réservez votre place maintenant.
Le but de cette rencontre est de vous fournir cet endroit de confiance où vous pourrez ouvrir votre coeur sans aucune craintes, et enfin trouver les obstacles, les croyances qui vous retiennent, qui vous empêchent d’avancer dans la vie, ou encore de recevoir ce que vous désirez le plus.
Comment commençer une nouvelle année en inspiration, si on ne fait pas le ménage de l’année précédente?
Une rencontre virtuelle totalement privée, totalement gratuite, dans le confort de votre maison. Vous n’avez qu’à choisir la date et l’heure qui vous convient le mieux.
Au plaisir de commençer l’année 2021 avec vous, Suzanne
There is a space that exists within you, that wants to be discovered.
I lived most of my life trusting and hiding behind my best friend: My Invulnerability. I have been an entrepreneur, an innovator and, creator. I had multiple parallel careers: model, TV host, DJ, personal trainer, flight attendant, business, etc.
One day, I lost it all. My business, my vision, my purpose, my self-esteem, my self-confidence, my reason of being. I kept on hiding, pretending that I was okay, that everything would be fine. Until the day, I could not hide it anymore. My, Invulnerability, had abandoned me. I found a new friend whom convinced me that I was worth it, that I deserved to be loved, that it was okay to be sensitive and fragile at times, and that being authentic to myself and to others, I was actually opening doors to real relationships and true friendships. I want to thank you my friend, my Vulnerability.
I have discovered my true source of pure energy and uncovered the source of my Ego fear. Quite a journey it’s been and still is. Blessed and grateful I AM. Thank you.
Today my goal is to keep on inspiring and guiding you, the one who is ready to move on to the discovery of who you are. Do I have all the answers for you? No. YOU do. YOU have all the answers inside of you. You just need a little help and some guidance to find your way.
Just click the DOWNLOAD button above, fill out the short form and send back to me at the email below. Go here to schedule your FREE Session.
What is in a Birthday?
Your Birth-Day is the day, when you have decided to separate from the rest of the universe, to make it on your own. Very much like when you were a teenager and could not wait to get away from your parents and, from under their wings. “Finally, on my own, I can do whatever I want, whenever I want“. You are on a mission of your own! So you think.
This unique mission of yours, has been planned for you, long time before you decided to separate. You step into this physical world with passion, unconditional love, curiosity, eagerness to create, high spirited and trust that you will succeed. Trial and errors will teach you otherwise. You will fall and get up again, you will fail, be discouraged and rebuilt your courage, you will curse and you will pray. You will feel all alone, not worth it, let down, doubtful, angry and afraid.
Until you decide to STOP and Reconnect.
Reconnect to the only truth of who you are, reconnect to your supreme mission, reconnect to your source.
I trust, Birth-Days are a Time to Reflect and Introspect.
Are you on track or have you deviated? Are you clear or confused on the purpose of your decisions and actions? What is blocking you or slowing you down? Are you accomplishing what you came here for? If not, why not?
This is why I have created this Coaching program.
To help you reach your ultimate goal NOW, in 2019.
Together we will identify your limiting beliefs, and identify the root cause of such beliefs. Once that is done, you will be able to create a new set of opinions, perspective versus beliefs. Questioning, is key here.
Fill out the form below and we will immediately dive in. No more procrastination. See you on the other side.
I had my first encounter with them in 1994. I did not have a clue they were going to become my teachers. All I knew, was that I had to be with them. And each and every time I was with them something magical would happen. Not magical like a magic trick but more like a big letting go, a surrendering. Now, in 2018, they still teach me. Bringing it further and deeper all the time. This is the teaching, and the guidance I want to offer you.
Just fill out the form below, and I will get back to you within 12 hours. And this, will be to set a first discovery call between you and me, no matter where you are in the world. I will send you a link, no worries.
To command you on taking the first step, you will also receive the first three chapters of my book SOAR with heart-fullness – keys to a meaningful life, in PDF form.
Once you signed up for this very exclusive coaching you will receive a paper back copy of my book. SOAR with heart-fullness will become your road map to keep you on track for 2019 and more.
Tired of spending thousands and thousands of dollars on coaching that doesn’t take you anywhere, except for deeper in debt? I’ve been there done that. I understand.
I have also spent thousand of dollars on true coaching, where not one word is spoken, and all the answers are found. And trust me, it feels wonderful and very liberating. No coaches has the answers for you. YOU have all the answers. You just need a little guidance to uncover them.
We are here for you. Just fill out the form above, and we can start right away.
See you on the other side.
Let me share a secret…
Please tell me where you would like to go and what you would like to talk about?
No more nice days!
What? What do you mean no more nice days?
What I mean is, that now is the time to turn off the automatic pilot completely, when you wish someone a nice day. You don’t even think about what you are wishing, anyway. It has become mechanical. It’s exactly the same when someone asks you: How are you? I am good, thank you. And you? Does the one asking, really wants to know how you are? What if you would answer: Oh! Things are really bad. The one asking the question would probably find millions of excuses to get away from you and your stories.
Do you consciously take the time to be with how you feel, how you are when someone asks you this routine question? Does your answer truly reflect how you feel? Or is it simply a robotic action/reaction?
What if you would replace ‘nice day’ for ‘meaningful’ day? What if you would start your day by wishing yourself a meaningful day, and really meaning it? And for each person, you meet that day you wish them the same. I wish you a day that means something.! WOW! You would have a lot more stop and be in the moment versus action/reaction situations.
My book SOAR with heart-fullness – keys to a meaningful life is here to remind you of this and to help you stay focused.
Until today, you have lived a life that you have needed, you have accepted and which you have decided upon.(unconsciously perhaps?)
You have needed for your own growth and realization of self.
You have accepted either in joy or in defeatism.
Have decided upon subconsciously.
By choosing to live a meaningful day, it’s not just about you anymore. It is about making a difference, a positive inspiring impact with everything that you do; even in your stillness!
I wish you a Meaningful Day All-Ways!
What You Have is What You Want
Until today, you have lived a life that you have needed, you have accepted and which you have decided upon.
You have needed for your own growth and realization of self. You have accepted either in joy or in defeatism. Or you have decided upon it, subconsciously and unconsciously? Which one is it?
The painting in a frame holds the vision of something. Unfortunately that vision is very limited. Imagine the vast ocean being held in a tight frame? Imagine the deep blue sky shining of only a few stars? Get a bigger frame and you can see so much more. What holds this limiting frame together? The history. Or more precisely your history. Your history of perceptions. Perceptions on things that happened; perceptions of a necessary external illusion, perceptions of things that happened to you or if you are a little more aware you know it happened for you. Nevertheless, you still hold a special frame around them.
Are you ready to learn more and let go of more? And of course when I say this, I really mean, are you ready to re-member and embrace? All the knowing is inside of you, as you are Knowing. Are you willing to accept that all things happen through you as they are YOU? I call this Seeing Beyond the frame. Seeing beyond the limitations we have created for ourselves, between ourselves. I see it everyday on YouTube and Facebook. Parents posting videos of their children at their special school where they are taught to think they are different from other children, through their race, their culture, their language, their politics, their History. Does this limiting history teach them how we are all one? Does it teach them that you and them are only words and that I is the ultimate? Does it teach them that when you hurt or judge someone, you only judge and hurt yourself as I?
Limiting History repeats itself over and over again and will continue to do so until WE stop it. And of course WE is I.
See beyond the frame and BE. See beyond the frame and stop the histories. See beyond the frame and all separations vanishes.
Beliefs are thoughts that we don’t question anymore
“What if for every thought that you have, or had, you could create a whole new story about it, and therefore, change you whole belief system? What if you were to start questioning every thought you have, right now? You can begin with questioning your thought about the possibility of questioning every thought you have.” Excerpt from my new book Soar with heart-fullness.
So what do you say? Are you ready to start questioning? Are you ready to start a deeper inquiry with yourself? It does’nt have to be complicated. You can start with:
- What do I want for myself?
- What do I no longer want or need?
- What have agreed to that is not working anymore?
- What beliefs do I have that are stopping me in life?
We live in a world where there is so much limitations, will you say? And we need to respect those limitations. What if you knew that these limitations are simply our own creation. We are creating this world of limitations, as part of our physical experience. Be with this for a moment.
When you let your imagination go wild, as we say, everything and anything is possible, right? It’s like in your dreams. You can fly. You can fly as a bird. We all had that dream. Well, the reality of who we really are, finds limit-less from with-in not from with-out.
Therefore, if we are limit-less it is really our thoughts that are limiting, right?
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