To SOAR is to rise rapidly above the usual level of ordinary. Once you do, there is no way back. You will never be same.
What would you like to rise above?
An old job that is not exciting you any more? An unfulfilled relationship that is not inspiring you any more? Perhaps you want to rise above old beliefs that are stopping you from doing what you have always wanted to do , your true calling?
Maybe you want to lift yourself from this frozen, paralysed mode and shoot up to your unlimited potential?
We all come to that point at least once in our lives. We call these moments: Transition Time. I love them! It is the time for Introspection, time for Reconvene with yourself at a much deeper level. In my book SOAR with Vulnerability I talk about Authenticity. What does it mean to be authentic? When was the last time you stopped to ask yourself these questions: Who am I? What am I suppose to do? What is my mission? What is my purpose? AM I living it? AM I being true to myself ? AM I being authentic, real with others? AM I living my truth or AM I just trying to please…over and over again?
Take a moment to find your centre. The place where there are no thoughts. There is no breathing, no mind, no emotions, no body, and still you are. Can you feel it? Can you feel that who you are is much more, and much bigger that your body?
Great! Now go and live it. Rise and Shine. Embrace your uniqueness in connectedness. In your uniqueness reside your greatness. There is no need to look for it any more. It is YOU. It’s been you all along.
Let your authentic uniqueness rise in its transparency, lightness and happiness.
I invite you to leave a comment about the particular transition you might be in right now. You will realize that you are not alone in that situation and that by sharing it, you will help someone else. Let’s get the SOAR Movement in gear!
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