Or are you in the ZONE?
I just recently did a talk on how to be in the zone and transform the way you do business. Most of you are familiar with being in the zone in sports. All golfers have experienced it at least once! But what does it mean to be in the zone? It means to be at the place where you reach your peak performance, where any movement is natural and effortless, when you are exactly where you are suppose to be. You are living your purpose. When do you start questioning yourself on the topic of purpose and calling?
Mary Buchan, author of the book Over It – How to Live Above Your Circumstances and Beyond Yourself, has an interesting approach to it. She does not call it being in the zone but something more like, how do you reach your authentic self and live the life you are suppose to live. Check out her Book Trailer
Each chapter takes you on a new journey of discovery of her self and her life, but it also takes into a deep introspection about your own life and your own challenges.
- How did you choose to look at them?
- Did you really address them or did you just push them under the carpet?
- Do you still carry them or have you let them go?
- Have you surrendered to the beautiful person that you are?
Mary has a very interesting way of sharing her own life experiences. She opens up in Authentic Vulnerability which encourages you to do the same, at the end of each chapter. At the end of each chapter she will take you
in a space of deepness where you want to take the time to be: honest, reflective and of course authentic.
She puts humor when humor is needed. See some of her chapter titles: Be a Thermostat, Not a Thermometer, Does Anger Rule You or Fuel you?, Brain Washing, etc.
I would recommend Mary’s book either you are at a transition in your life or if you just want to keep on track of your life’s calling.
Her book can be found at Amazon.com
For your information Mary is also on an exciting Book Blog Hop this summer and will have her Virtual Book Launch on September 13, 2014. If you are a blogger, a book reviewer or simply interested in her topic of Getting Over It, please contact Mary directly and let her know.
The name of my own book is SOAR with Vulnerability, so now you can understand why Mary and I have connected so strongly! 🙂
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