
Are we too busy to live in the moment?

Posted by on Jul 19, 2014 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Are we too busy to live in the moment?

Does it take catastrophic events like the plane crash in Ukraine to wake us up?

mh17-wreckage3   I was a Flight Attendant for 26 years and I never ever thought that going to work was that dangerous. On the contrary! It was exciting. Travelling around the world, meeting new people, exploring new cultures,  tasting exotic food from all the different countries and trying something new all the time. I was well trained to handle all type of emergencies: turbulence, evacuation, medical and even, misbehaving passenger. And there was many of those. Preparing for emergency landing,  restraining ties on one or more passengers, heavy turbulence, weather challenges, name it. And of course I feel totally blessed that every time I got to get back home. Sometimes much later then the expected time but I still made it. Alive and well. Thank you. Thank you Universe to be there with my time schedule on your lap. Now this?  Or should I say what for, how and why this? A missile? Seriously? This plane was probably filled with people going to visit Bali, the “Island of the Gods“.

What is our world thinking? What are we doing?

 When are we going to stop and start breathing in the moment of every thought we have, every move we make, every action we take?  When are we ever conscious of our breathing?                                                                                                     When I had my oxygen spas in airport, I stated in one of our promotions that: Oxygen was a little bit like sex. You do not think about it until do NOT have enough. And this is only sex and oxygen.:)   What about love, compassion, truth, reality, honesty, etc…. What are we doing with this wonderful life that has been given to us and which we have accepted to experienced fully? What are we teaching to each other, to our families, our children’s, our grandchildren s? peoplemourn   I find myself tonight, last night, and probably for the next while, in a state of stupor  of the  human violence.

We are the world . We create all this. All thoughts and decisions come from us.

All actions are initiated by us. 

I often find myself in position of anger, frustration, impatient, intolerance, etc…It happened to me today with technology challenges. But the bottom line, after I had the chance to “vent” or release my anger, frustration and all, without hurting anyone. I did a tremendous cleaning of my office, I vented to my sweetheart making sure he knew it was not about him, then I could allow for the true feeling behind the anger to come at the surface- FEAR

Fear (anger) is usually followed by tears, sadness, regrets, but all-ways conclude n LOVE if you surrender to your true essence.  And I could talk to you more about this….

I WANT to BE with all of these emotions in TRUTH, then and only then,

can I surrender to the super essence of who I am.

Thank you for listening. May we all-ways find each  other in the light.

Revealing our Authentic Selves Giveaway

Posted by on Jul 13, 2014 in Inspiration | 8 comments

Why is it that so many people are afraid of revealing their authentic selves?

book hopWhat is authenticity? What does it mean to be authentic? How do you know when you are truly authentic?

In my book  SOAR with Vulnerability I explain why and also how to remove the veil of superficiality, which is only driven by the ego. With one of my quotes: “You are only invulnerable when you are in fear“, I push the true realization and the surrendering to the limit, with no place to hide. Invulnerability attracts invulnerability. Fear attracts fear. Vulnerability attracts openness, sensitivity and sincerity.  I am honoured that my book is an Award Winner for 2013, especially being a self-published author.

In Mary Buchan’s book OVER IT, she authentically shares her own way of how she has overcome many challenges and stressful situations, along with some life-changing insights that will help you overcome your own IT.

I am honoured to be part of the Book BlogHop Giveaway that Mary is hosting, along with thirteen other authors.  Each of the thirteen authors involved will make you think, cry, laugh out loud or all three!  Each author will give you a chance to win his or her book in a give-away that ends July 23, 2014. Follow the links below and make sure you enter all for a chance to win!!  For my own part, I will be giving  two signed copies of my book SOAR with Vulnerability along with multiple copies of my Ebook.  So please make sure  you enter comments in my comment box below.

Here you can watch SOAR Book Trailer. SOAR Book

1.        Mary Buchan:   Over iT

2.        Hallie Hawkins:  Money and Credit Guides

3.        Tamela Rich:   – Live Full Throttle

4 ..       Suzanne Letourneau:   Soar with Vulnerability

5 ..       Carol Cassara:   Chicken Soup for the Soul

6 ..       Patti Tingen:   Patti Tingen-Author –

7 ..       Paige Kellerman:  At Least my Belly Hides my Cankles

8 ..       Dyane Forde: Dropped Pebbles

9 ..       Rich London:  A Handbook for Life

10 ..     Kim Bongiorno  Let Me Start By Saying

11.      Kathy Gottberg: Smart Living 365 –

12.      John Baumann: Decide Success

13.      Lee McCracken: A Prayer and a Pink Pedicure


What is Vulnerability for you? What does it mean to be truly authentic?

Leave your comment below and you migh be the lucky winner of one of my books.

The Givaway Rules:

The winner will be chosen at random from the comment list entered in this blog.  Please be sure to give me an email. Your information is confidential and used for this giveaway only. Giveaway ends on July 23rd at 11:59 pm. The winner who does not respond within 2 days of our announcement via email will be dismissed in favor of another winner. Open to residents of the USA and Canada.

Wonderful summer books! Have fun hopping with us and good luck!

Are You Over It?

Posted by on Jul 1, 2014 in Inspiration | 2 comments

Are You Over It?



Posted by on Jun 10, 2014 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Wow! I just came back from a two days Conference on Blogging called BlogU 2014 and of course, I realized I am NOT a real Blogger.

Yes, I have a Blog (you are looking at it and maybe reading it) and yes, I like or may I say I LOVE to share my discoveries and all the good stuff I find out there. My big downfall is that I am not consistent. I do not write every day or every week or even every month. I write when I feel I have something important to say, something that will perhaps make a difference in your day and perhaps inspire you to step up to your own writing calling or more.


You see you do not need to be a professional writer to be a successful popular blogger. You just need to be funny (or NOT), real (definitely) and be prepared to share a lot of your everyday life moments.                                                             People from around the world are looking for people to connect with. You can Blog about cooking recipes, parenting issues with solutions or not, dating and it’s challenges, your cat, your dog or your farm. You can Blog about anything you want and love and will without any doubts find someone out there to truly connect with you.

After all, we are all one. So why would’t you?


Posted by on Mar 7, 2014 in Uncategorized | 0 comments


Everybody has a Story to tell! What’s yours?

Did you know that writing your book and daring tell your story, can transform your life forever?

I know cause it has changed my life.

Today, I want to help you change your life and be recognized for the true beautiful person that you are. What do you want to be remembered for, what will your legacy be?

Join me for this evening of fun and creativity. In this workshop you will learn the 5 Easy Steps to be a Published Authors in 72 hours or less.

WHEN:  April 16, 2014

WHERE:  San Tan Valley – Location TBD

TIME: 6:00pm – 9:30pm

The first ten (10) people to register will receive a FREE copy of my book.

Buy advanced ticket below
At the door $59.00usd


Choose to Live in Conscious Awareness

Posted by on Dec 9, 2013 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Really! From the moment you decide to live your life in conscious awareness, you will realize that there is no other way to live. Conscious Awareness is the willingness to be awake. It is the decision to be present in each and every moment. It is about living the power of the moment, the power of now.



It is not about the busyness of your mind. It is about the emptiness of it. True emptiness brings clarity.  Are you aware of your thoughts?  Are you attentive to where your thoughts are coming from? Do you even question them, or do you let them dictate you?                                                                                                                                                                                                                     This is great time of the year to start living your life consciously, not seriously…simply consciously. Start today.  Become the witness of every thought you have, every action you take, every emotion you express and feel the lightness.  There is no judgment only witnessing.

The next step will be to act upon this new awareness instead of reacting from unconsciousness.

Vulnerability around the Holidays!

Posted by on Dec 5, 2013 in Uncategorized | 0 comments




SCN_28-12-2011_REAL_LIFE_01_lonely at christmas.1_fct1024x630x123_t4602

Where will you be for the Holidays in ten, twenty or thirty years from now? Will you still be surrounded by your family and friends? Or will you find yourself isolated in a residence where old age has no rights, no say, no more sparks, according to the residence owners and directors?

Back in April 2010, my mom’s husband decided that it was time to move into a residence. He sold the house while my mother was with me in Arizona. She had no say on what she wanted.

In April 2012, he throw her out of their apartment at the residence claiming that he could not take care of her anymore. He is thirteen years younger than her and, she has more sparks and more energy than he has. You can imagine what kind of year was 2012. Nasty separation with a spiteful man.  Never thought it would happen to my mom at her age. She had had her own share of challenges throughout her life and now this.

She now has been living on her own at the residence since June 2012. She is managing. She has some highs and some lows, like each one of us. But what I would like to talk about are the conditions that all those elderly people live in. Let’s just talk about food! My mom has her own little fridge, toaster, coffee machine, etc….but when she has to rush down for lunch, often what awaits her is a baloney sandwich with a small bowl of soup. For dinner, only 4.5 hours later, she might get an omelet or a grilled cheese.  My mother is diabetic. Is that the kind of nourishment they need?  My mother grew up “hungry”. Not enough food to feed the thirteen kids. Does she really need that today? I say NO.

When I ask her, ¨why don’t you say something? ¨ She says ¨no, no, no. If I say something maybe they won’t give me a second bowl of soup tomorrow. Please don’t say anything.¨ And there she goes living in fear of not having enough …once again. And they all live in that fear.

My upcoming book is all about caregiving and care receiving. I will have many similar stories to share with you and more. I intend to expose the truth of what is really going on in those elderly residence. So stay tuned. In the meantime, if you would like me to interview you, or a family member or friend, for my book, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


The holidays are just around the corner, and many of us might feel the Christmas Blues. I am going to make sure that my sweet mother doesn’t. Stan & I are going to pick her up on the 23rd December and take her with us to a cottage we rented in the Laurentians, Quebec. On the morning of the 24th , we put the turkey in the oven then take my mom to the spa for some pampering! Back by 3:00pm, sit by the fire and wait for the rest of my family to arrive.

Allowing yourself to be vulnerable around the holidays can transform someone’s life, including yours.

A clip of my mom dancing July 13, 2013  IMG_0651 . And this is after spending 4 long hours at the hospital, because she caught her thumb in the car door. Ouch! yes. Nail gone and broken thumb. She is a trooper. Love you mom.

Vulnerability is your door to Freedom

Posted by on Nov 18, 2013 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Some of you might think that what I meant to say is: ¨You are only vulnerable when you are in fear¨ But I did not. Think about it. ¨You are only invulnerable when you are in fear¨
Be with the moments where you pretended to be invulnerable. Weren’t you in fear of something or someone? Of course. Now, be with the moments where you allowed yourself to be vulnerable. Weren’t you with someone your trusted, someone that really cared about you? Of course.
It is time to give the word Vulnerability, it’s true definition and teach others to do the same, so together we can have and make a big difference in each others life.

Make sure you click the link below to see what others have to say about it!

IN THE NEWS (1523)

The start of the SOAR project is an inspiring movement that creates a ripple effect on how we live our lives and engage with who we really are. So please don’t hesitate to post your comments, questions or even your own insights on Vulnerability. Keep an eye open at the beginning of 2014 for own web TV show.

It’s all about Intimacy…

Posted by on Oct 21, 2013 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Over and over,  you hear me say that Vulnerability is an openness, a sensitivity, a willingness to be you in Authenticity.

Robert Augustus, author of Emotional Intimacy, says: “Without vulnerability, we maroon ourselves from our emotional riches and depths and when that happens we block ourselves from authentic connection with others”

In my book soar with Vulnerability I also say: “…having the ability to show our true sides at all times, invites others to do the same in a very comfortable and trusting manner”

Therefore creating real connection. So why not start now. Dare be open to one new person today and feel how great it feels.

What is YOUR question of the day?

Posted by on Oct 17, 2013 in Uncategorized | 1 comment

What is YOUR question of the day?

Maybe it is about your health or someone’s close to you? Maybe it is about your job or the lack of it?
Or maybe it is on how you can lose the weight you have gained in the past few months?

And maybe it is simply about your WHY.
Why are you here? Why now? Why are you doing what you do?

Today I woke up at 5:00am. Got out of bed. Put on my sweatpants and t-shirt. Stepped into my office.
Love that time of the day where everything is quiet outside.
What motivates you to get up in the morning? Your kids waking you up? A job where you need to show up or…? Perhaps you are a caregiver and someone needs your help and support? Too much on your mind and just can’t sleep? Or maybe you feel inspired and can’t wait to put it in action?

It is now 7:00am and the morning traffic has already started. You see we live in a corner house where there is a lot of traffic in the morning. People going to work and all. And I can’t help myself in asking, how many of these people in all those cars driving by are happy about the JOB they do or have? Every day the same routine: driving by at 7:05am to get to their office at 8:45am. Work all day. Drive by our house again at 6:25pm. I hope they love what they do! I really do.

In the meantime, I had my whole working day right here from my home office doing what I love: Creating and having a positive impact in people’s life.

I feel blessed and am totally grateful for being able to do what I love to do. Some of my closest friends and colleagues call me the Igniter. The energy and passion igniter. And some of the others call me the Spiritual Visionary. And of course, I will never know what the rest of the people are calling me unless they tell me. And this is not the point.

The point is that I know WHY I get up in the morning.
I know I am here to make a difference and it is not by staying in bed that it will happen.
I know that I am here to share and also to learn from all and everything.
I know I am here to love and be loved.
I know I am here to be me in my Vulnerable Authenticity and Authentic Vulnerability.
And please understand that vulnerability is the openness to give and receive.
It is your sensitivity to truly feel and connect.
It is your biggest gift for you to embrace


It is so important to realize this that I have decided to create a WEB.TV series on it.

You are all invited to participate and bring comments, share your own experience.

Based on my book Soar with Vulnerability – 11 Insights to the full Enjoyment of Your Life.
Each week we will address one of the eleven insights. And the first one is of course: Vulnerability.
It is the foundation of all healing.
Therefore I am inviting you to send me you’re feelings, thoughts, experiences about vulnerability.
What does it really mean for you? How do you see it as a gift in your life?
And we will discuss on the show.
Please email me at:

I am not the only one talking about vulnerability:  Brene Brown, Melissa Ambrosini, Connie Chapman, and I am sure many more.

The SOAR Movement will have a ripple effect on how we live our lives, engage with ourselves and each other. 

So why not join now and dare make a difference.

Get Curious. Get Real. Be Outrageous.