Etes-vous prête à lâcher prise?
Lâcher prise, c’est renoncer à contrôler ce qui ne peut pas l’être. Il s’agit de mettre de côté notre volonté, nos attentes, nos désirs, nos projections et nos ruminations afin d’accepter pleinement les évènements auxquels nous sommes confrontés. Pour moi, c’est surtout et avant tout, qu’il faut cesser de se renier. Pour cesser de se renier, il faut savoir qui l’on est. Qui l’on est à l’intérieur de soi en toute authenticité. Il est temps de vous retrouver Vous avez manqué l’atelier LIVE du 17 décembre 2020? Je comprends très bien. C’est pourquoi je vous offre une rencontre virtuelle avec moi, totalement PRIVÉE et totalement GRATUITE. Très souvent en groupe, nous nous empêchons de partager, par peur des qu’en dira-t-on, peur du jugement, de la non-acceptation. Cette rencontre est mon cadeau de fin d’année! Mais il ne me reste que quelques places . Alors, prenez deux secondes et réservez votre place maintenant. Le but de cette rencontre est de vous fournir cet endroit de confiance où vous pourrez ouvrir votre coeur sans aucune craintes, et enfin trouver les obstacles, les croyances qui vous retiennent, qui vous empêchent d’avancer dans la vie, ou encore de recevoir ce que vous désirez le plus. Comment commençer une nouvelle année en inspiration, si on ne fait pas le ménage de l’année précédente? Une rencontre virtuelle totalement privée, totalement gratuite, dans le confort de votre maison. Vous n’avez qu’à choisir la date et l’heure qui vous convient le mieux. Au plaisir de commençer l’année 2021 avec vous,...
Read MoreSOAR in Miracles
A few months ago, I got back to my first love…A Course in Miracles. Wow! Missed it so much. Not that it was not being with me or sitting in my heart, but I had stopped practicing it’s wonderful daily lessons. I kept the base, the foundation, the essence but stopped dedicating my every moment remembering my true I Am. Today I would like to share with you the introduction of A Course in Miracles: This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. I strongly recommend that you read this short paragraph a few times. Embrace it without too many questions. It is powerful teachings. Back in 1994-1995, I used to facilitate A Course in Miracles. The Course tells us that by teaching what we wish to learn, we learn it. So I did. And I continue to do so with everything I do. I wanted to learn about Vulnerability so I wrote a book about vulnerability. I speak and teach the insights of living your life in Vulnerable Authenticity and Authentic Vulnerability, around the world. The more I teach, the deeper I dive into my vulnerability, the stronger I embrace my authenticity. Vulnerability and authenticity is about being Real. And guess what the first page of the first volume “Text” of A Course in Miracles tells us? Nothing real can be threatened Nothing unreal exists Herein lies the peace of God. You don’t have to try to understand this short message right now. Just let it’s energy, it’s vibration sit with you and see what comes...
Read MoreAre you eager to start anew on January 1, 2016?
Besides being a month for partying with family and friends, December is always a month for Reflection. Reflection on what you have accomplished or not in the past 12 months, resolutions you have made and kept or not, goals you have set and reached or not, commitments you have completed or not, forgiveness that happened or not, etc. Perhaps you find yourself reflecting on 2015 and saying to yourself: “Man, where did the time go? I did not do half of the things I wanted to do.” It is also a perfect time to reflect on your values. Have you honored and respected your most important values or have you allowed yourself and/or someone else to violate them? Look back, be honest and dare answer the painful truth. Reflection happens in a matter of seconds not hours. Your heart knows, your higher self knows, YOU KNOW. So, what will it be? Another year of pretension, limitation and aversion or will you choose recognition, expansion, and appreciation of your true self, your true gifts and your true purpose? Wayne Dyer, Internationally renowned author said: “Don’t die with your music still in you“. Simple words and so profound. It means that you don’t allow yourself to live any life other than the one you were born to live. Are you living the life you were born to live? Or are just floating through it? Are you taking the time to ask yourself those disturbing, meaningful, challenging questions and more, are you allowing yourself to LIVE those questions? If you are ready to step up into your REAL LIFE, the one you are meant to live, make a difference, leave your mark, your legacy and never question yourself again, then let’s talk NOW. Email me at to book your heart to heart conversation with me. In the subject box just put I AM READY. In this heart to heart conversation we will strip your fears, your doubts, your restrictions and discover your true love, your calling, your story. We will bring your vision to light and tap into your new discovered strengths. I am offering this for a limited time and only for the ones who are totally committed to make a change in their lives in 2016. My new program starts promptly on January 1, 2016. *Book your session with me before Dec. 17, 2015 and you can get into the program for half price. Why? Because an act of courage needs to be recognized. Once that is done you will be able to enjoy your Holidays and you will be totally ready to hit the road running at the beginning of 2016. This is my gift to you. Will you take it?...
Read MoreDo You Feel Your Aliveness?
For many years of my life I acted as if I was Invulnerable. I did not want to get hurt, did not want the people around me to really get to know me, because they might discover my weaknesses and start pushing my buttons, did not want to show my embarrassments and definitely did not want to show my fears. And I had a few! What a world of illusion I had created for myself. Hiding behind a wall of Invulnerability, when the true essence of who I am, love, sensitivity, openness, compassion was ‘dying’ to come out and, live it’s wonderful experience. One day I got no choice but to let go and surrender. I had just lost my self created company, OraOxygen. You can find all about it in my book SOAR with Vulnerability but what I did not know is that I had lost a lot more than my company. I had lost my self-esteem, my self confidence, my passion, my purpose, my self. My Invulnerability was not my protector anymore. Thank God I woke up and decided to embrace my Vulnerability! This was the miracle day. NO more fear, no more pretense, no more hiding, no more wall..only openness in complete authenticity. I never thought I had a story to tell. Or a message that could change people’s life. But I do! And I dared share it in my book SOAR with Vulnerability. And I want to invite you to do the same. Stop hiding, stop lying to yourself, stop struggling and start living NOW by sharing your pain, your challenges, your story, your message…YOU. It is time to shine your own Light! I use to believe that spirituality and money doesn’t work together. How wrong was I? WOW! Mother Teresa all-ways had all the money she needed to fulfill her purpose and mission. I have created this new program just for you. It is available NOW for the first time. Together we will find your true message, clarify your vision even if it is not clear right now, write an Ebook, change your old mindset, find your audience; the one who is anxious to hear your message and be inspired by it. You will learn how to publish your book and leave a legacy to the ones you love, how to market your book, how to create different products, how to take ACTION. So if you are really ready to make a difference in YOUR world and the world of others, join me for this exciting adventure of embracing the unknown. Just email and say I AM READY! I AM...
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