Today is Martin Luther King Holiday in the USA. What a great man he was, and what a Visionary! He had a BIG DREAM!!!
What about you? Do you have a big dream? Or maybe a couple of small dreams? Are you doing anything to make them happen? Did you make a detailed plan on how you are going to do it? Or, are you still putting yourself on the ‘back burner’ and letting everything and everybody else take ‘front stage’? And this has nothing to do with the EGO. It has to do with you, living in LOVE versus FEAR. It is all about you, stepping out of your limiting beliefs and starting embracing your true values. We all have similar fundamental values and, the meaning invested in each one of them is to support us in some way. We value food because it feeds our physical body, we value our house because it keeps us warm, we value a good job because it provides for our family, we value this and that…that’s all great. But what about giving value to what’s inside? When was the last time you said to yourself or to others: ‘I value my Soul’?
How do you know when you are not standing in your worth?
You just know!
So, how can you help me today?
You can help me today by helping me spread my message of LOVE and Letting GO! Letting go of control, of limiting beliefs, of illusionary values and embrace a Life that makes a difference, YOUR LIFE.
You can help me today by going to AMAZON.com and buying my new book SOAR with heart-fullness – keys to live a meaningful life.
You might even want to buy two or three of them and ‘pay it forward‘ to someone else; someone who needs and wants help and just don’t know how to ask. It is a small book, journal/workbook style, with a simple but very deep inquiry for you to do, if STANDING IN YOUR WORTH is one of your values. In my book, I even offer a FREE private strategy session to the reader. When you buy the book on Amazon.com please send me a copy of the receipt, and if you feel like it, maybe you can also tell me the real reason why you decided to buy it, and you will automatically become a member of the SOAR Movement. *More on this later. If you don’t want to send me the receipt and tell me why, that’s fine too. I will be in ‘heart-fullness‘ of you.
Today, is a very unique day for me. So, will you help me make it even more outstanding?
I would like to leave you with a quote from Martin Luther King: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
Have a magical day!
And make sure to Get Curious. Be Outrageous!
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